Press Releases

Magyar Telekom to Donate 250 Computers to Civil Organizations

Budapest, January 28, 2009 11:00

Magyar Telekom, as one of the chief sponsors and partners of the donation portal of the Non-Profit Information and Education Center (NIOK) Foundation, will donate 250 new computers to civil organizations, 50 of these through NIOK.

An appropriate infrastructure is crucial for the efficient work of the Hungarian NGOs. Today, the majority of the applications through which the civil organizations raise the funds to ensure their sustainability and operation are available electronically, and also most of their administration work, communication and the collection of donations are carried out via electronic channels.
Due to the lack of resources, getting involved in the infocummunication circle with an appropriate technological background presents a problem for many organizations, and this may risk their competitiveness in the long term.
For this reason, Magyar Telekom is now donating 250 new PCs (including peripherals) to the civil organizations, and will also pay the VAT on the donation in an effort to make their daily work easier and more efficient.
Magyar Telekom donated most of the computers directly to the beneficiary organizations, but it is offering 50 PCs through the site of NIOK. Civil organizations can apply for the computers on the site where they will also find full details.

For more information on Magyar Telekom's donation activity please visit: