Press Releases

Magyar Telekom included in international sustainability index

Budapest, December 23, 2009 12:00

Magyar Telekom is included in the international sustainability stock exchange index CEERIUS for 2010. The index, reflecting the increasing weight of responsible investments, includes companies from eight countries of the CEE region that show the best performance in sustainability.

The CEERIUS (Central and Eastern European Responsible Investment Universe) responsible investment index was launched by the Vienna Stock Exchange (Wiener Börse) in 2009 and it includes the companies from eight countries of the region that perform the best from environmental, social and economic point of view.

This success means that Magyar Telekom is included in the new index aggregating responsible investments on the basis of its sustainability performance and based on its independent evaluation. The launch of the new international stock exchange index indicates the increasing significance of responsible investments at the stock markets, and the total amount of investments in the shares of companies that are leaders in sustainability also keeps increasing year by year.

The Austrian consulting company RFU (Reinhard Friesenbichler Unternehmensberatung) performed the evaluation of the nearly 200 companies and compiled the index, based on the responsible stakeholder relations of the companies. In the evaluation they studied, among others, the relation of companies to their own employees, to customers, market partners, to the society as a whole and to the environment. Shares of the companies in the CEERIUS index are part of several investment products (funds and certificates). For more details on the new index visit the web site

The responsible investment evaluators have acknowledged Magyar Telekom's sustainability performance also earlier. In the Sustainability Asset Management (SAM) yearbook the company was rated silver category as the only company from the region and, based on Oekom's assessment, it was given a recommended Prime Category qualification.