Press Releases

Magyar Telekom again the best Hungarian company in terms of accountability

Budapest, October 13, 2008 12:30

As in the last two years, in 2008 Magyar Telekom was again found the best Hungarian company in terms of accountability. The ranking was done for the third time by the CSR strategic and communication consulting company Braun and Partners Network on the basis of an international methodology. The list was published on October 11 in the publication Figyelő Top 200.

Accountability Rating Hungary (ARH) that is drawn up in Hungary in addition to numerous other countries of the world on the basis of an international methodology, assesses – on the basis of information publicly available for entities affected by the company – how much importance the major Hungarian companies attach to efficient management of social, economic and environmental challenges and how they integrate these aspects into their business strategy and corporate management processes, and to what extent affected entities are involved in decision-making processes. Accountability Rating is the major evaluation system for corporate social responsibility (CSR) both in Hungary and internationally. This year the Figyelő Top 200 preliminary list was used to select a total of sixty large enterprises, the 40 largest enterprises plus the 20 largest companies in the fields of oil industry, financial markets, telecommunications and electronic industry, energy providers, public utility companies and automotive industry that were then assessed by consulting company Braun and Partners Network.

Only five companies, which were by far above the Hungarian average, achieved over 50 points. This year Magyar Telekom improved last year’s result of 52 points to 62.7 points to reach first place on the ARH 2008 list.

Further information about the Accountability Rating Hungary 2008 ranking list is available on the website .