Press Releases

Magyar Telekom signs sponsorship contract for another two championship seasons with Domino Honvéd water polo team

Budapest, May 22, 2008 16:15

On Thursday, Magyar Telekom formally signed a premium sponsorship contract with the water polo division of Domino Honvéd for another two championship seasons, until June 30, 2010. The contract, which entitles the team to wear Magyar Telekom’s name, confirms the letter of intent which the company disclosed on April 16.

The document prolonging the cooperation of almost ten years, was signed by András Simon, Communications Director of Magyar Telekom and by Ferenc Novák, managing director of Honvéd Sport Kft. which runs divisions that field eleven teams in different age groups in the championship. The ceremony which followed the annual general meeting of Budapest Honvéd, was also attended by Minister of Defense Imre Szekeres and several leaders of the association.

The contract requires the Domino Honvéd water polo team to continue to play a decisive role in the national championship and the Hungarian Cup, as well as in the tournaments that attract the best teams of the continent. The men’s team which has earned six championships, two cup victories and in 2004 a Euroleague first place, will start to compete in the 2008/2009 national championship beginning after the Beijing Olympic games with a new lead coach, new concept and new, younger players.

The water polo players of Domino Honvéd intend to continue to be the standard-bearers of doping-free sport and show an example to all athletes in Hungary and in international sport.