Press Releases

Magyar Telekom supports the new international Euro-Mediterranean University

Budapest, June 10, 2008 13:30

Christopher Mattheisen, Chairman CEO of Magyar Telekom was among those who signed the Letter of Intent yesterday in Portorož, Slovenia, making Magyar Telekom a co- founder of a university foundation supporting the operation of the new international Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI).

With the ceremonial signing of the Letter of Intent the representatives of the founder companies – including the Chairman-CEO of Magyar Telekom – established the EMUNI Foundation on June 9, 2008, which is to contribute significantly to the operation of the university. With the signature Magyar Telekom undertook a commitment as co-founder of EMUNI Foundation to support the university through the Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide extensive support to the university and its operation, in particular through reinforced cooperation between the institutions of higher education, research and development, by facilitating mobility of students and lecturers, and by stimulating exchange and application of the research results. The methods of cooperation between the founders and EMUNI will be specified in the Statute of the Foundation.

Following establishment of the EMUNI Foundation, the official foundation ceremony of the University took place, attended – along with the founder companies, partner universities and representatives of their countries – by several members of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Slovenian Government. Speeches were made by José Manuel Barroso, Chairman of the European Commission, Janez Janša, Prime Minister of Slovenia, Amr Moussa, Secretary-General of the Arab League and Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament.

The University seated in Portorož was established as a result of two years of preparatory work. Slovenia decided in 2006 on the foundation of a multilateral university for coordination of bilateral educational cooperation projects as a contribution to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The initiative is integrated into strengthening of the intercultural dialogue which is one of the key programs of the European Union and the Slovenian presidency in 2008. The basic idea of the concept is “Mediterranean as added value” – this is to determine the educational programs as well, which offer new programs for the students of 37 countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Mediterranean region.

On behalf of Hungary, the Corvinus and ELTE University of Budapest and the University of Pécs and Szeged signed a Letter of Intent about cooperation with EMUNI as professional partners. On June 9, the first session of the International Scientific Council grouping the delegates of the universities involved was held and the foundation charter of the university was signed.

According to the plans the University will start its operation in the 2008-2009 academic year, while its independent accredited courses will be launched as from 2009-2010. In summer 2008 the first summer university program will be held with three courses where professors from Hungary are also to hold lectures. For detailed information on the University visit the EMUNI website: .