Press Releases

Joint reminder of the two leading service providers of the dangers of Internet contribution

Budapest, April 24, 2008

The two leading Hungarian Internet service providers, Magyar Telekom Plc. and UPC Hungary Ltd., joining the protest appeals of the recent days, jointly remind the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Economic and IT Committee and Culture and Press Committee of Parliament, of the serious dangers of introducing a cultural contribution on Internet services.

This step would hinder the government program announced and approved under the title ‘New Hungary – Freedom and Solidarity’ that set the major strategic directions of IT development.

Our professional and industrial experience shows that this planned step is contrary to the goals of development of the information society, in particular to the e-administration program, the e-inclusiveness goals and EU trends.

At the same time, the benefits expected of the planned measure cannot be seen. The Magyar Telekom Group and UPC have, for years, been playing an outstanding role in financing Hungarian culture under their voluntary responsible corporate citizenship programs. We would like to continue playing this role and not give up our ongoing efforts and long-term programs aiming at improving Hungary’s competitiveness, eliminating digital illiteracy and developing the Internet society.

With regard to the above, we call on the Honorable Decision-Makers to weigh all circumstances and, while not ignoring the position of the professional scene, keep in harmony with the initially approved government program aiming at development of the information society and not to support the introduction of a cultural contribution on Internet services.

Magyar Telekom Plc.
UPC Hungary Ltd.