Press Releases

Successful IT developments in micro-regions with the participation of Magyar Telekom

Budapest, September 10, 2007 11:00

On September 8, 2007 the first phase of broadband IT infrastructure network developments started in micro-regions was handed over to Micro-Region Chairman Jenő Schmidt and Gábor Héjjas, Head of Residential Services Division operating the network by Ábel Garamhegyi, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Transport, Sándor Bujdosó, Functional State Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and Gábor Pukler from ALBACOMP implementing the project; the ceremony took place at Tab in Somogy County. The investment project involving 10 villages in the Koppány Valley micro-region was accomplished in the framework of the Economic Competitiveness Operative Program (GVOP) of the National Development Plan.

The micro-regions to be developed in the framework of GVOP belong to the conurbation areas of the following towns: Tab, Kőszeg, Bicske, Mór, Pécsvárad, Mezőcsát, Ramocsaháza, Nagyhalász and Penyige.

According to the plans, the most up-to-date broadband IT and electronic telecommunications services will be made available to about 120 small villages by the first half of 2008 at the latest. At the time the tender was announced, broadband Internet infrastructure was not yet available in these villages.

Development budgets for the micro-regions vary between HUF 100 and 500 million, and a significant portion of these amounts is financed by Magyar Telekom.

As a result of the development projects, nearly 2000 households in the region will have access to broadband Internet for the first time. T-Com operating the completed network guarantees ongoing service as, based on the contract concluded with the micro-region, it will serve consumers for 7 years.