T-Online Hungary_s access business and Emitel merged with Magyar Telekom - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

T-Online Hungary's access business and Emitel merged with Magyar Telekom

Budapest, October 1, 2007 12:30

The Court of Registry has registered the merger of T-Online Hungary Co. Ltd.’s internet access area into Magyar Telekom Plc; the integration of Emitel Co. Ltd. with Magyar Telekom Plc; and the amendments to the Articles of Association of Magyar Telekom Plc adopted by the General Meeting of the Company held on June 29, 2007.

From October 1, 2007, Magyar Telekom Plc will be the legal successor of Emitel Co. Ltd. and the access business line separated from T-Online Hungary Co. Ltd. T-Online Hungary’s web and content services business area will operate under the name [origo] Media and Communications Co. Ltd. as a Magyar Telekom Group member company and as the legal successor of the remaining content area of T-Online Hungary.

As a result of the integration, Magyar Telekom Plc’s registered share capital will decrease from October 1, 2007 by the nominal value of 22,700 shares. At the same time, it will increase by the nominal value of 100 ordinary Series "A" Shares, being the equivalent of the terminated priority “B” series voting share (golden share). Accordingly, the total share capital of the Company will change to HUF 104,274,561,500 (consisting of 1,042,745,615 registered ordinary Series "A" Shares with a nominal value of HUF 100 each).

Magyar Telekom will fulfill the obligations and commitments of T-Online Hungary’s access business and Emitel, so services under the brand names T-Online and Emitel will be provided to customers through a smooth transition, in unchanged form, without interruption. This integration will not entail any task for customers having a contract with T-Online Hungary and Emitel.

Integration will bring various benefits for customers, first of all improved quality of customer care, simpler, faster and easier ways of doing business. The customers concerned will be directly and continuously informed in detail about the changes ensuing from the integration.

Current information about T-Online’s services is available at www.t-online.hu and our customer service. Further information about Emitel’s services is available at www.emitel.hu and the call center number 1277 accessible free of charge from Magyar Telekom’s network on workdays from 8 am to 6 pm. The conditions of T-Com's and Emitel’s tariff packages and services are expected to be unified in 2008 when all services and the full customer care of T-Com will be available also for Emitel customers.

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