Press Releases

Service outage in 13th district

Budapest, November 29, 2006 11:15

On November 28 Magyar Telekom made an announcement that an unexpected fault occurred in the Hytas management system in the Angyalföld exchange during software replacement works at 19.00 hours on November 27. The fault affects several thousand subscribers in the 13th district. The technical staff immediately set to repairing the fault with the involvement of the manufacturer, however the service could not be restored yet for a certain number of customers. It cannot be predicted at this time how long the full restoration of the service will take.

Magyar Telekom is making every effort to be of assistance to its customers. A Green Number (06-80-200-198) was set up which customers can call both from fixed and mobile phones free of charge. Magyar Telekom's staff receive the customers' calls and will take all possible measures to provide for the temporary replacement of the service for the customers.