Press Releases

Investment for cost reduction

Budapest, May 2, 2006 11:30

Electrolux Lehel Kft. has implemented a unique telecommunications project in cooperation with SciamuS Telecommunications Consulting, T-Systems and Ericsson Hungary. The goal of the project was the substantial reduction of the telecom costs and integration of voice and data communication in three plants of Electrolux. The investment of over 30 million HUF will pay back in less than half a year due to the flexible and advanced technical background and the cost optimization provided by the complex solution.

János Takács CEO of Electolux Lehel Kft described the telecom project implemented this January - after a half year of preparation - as successful, its outstanding results can already be confirmed. The savings reached nearly 50% in the case of wireline and 25% for mobile telephone, within less than one year. The annual savings of the investment with the value of 32 million HUF is expected to reach 50 million HUF. Hungary is the first within the Electrolux Group to implement an integrated telecommunication project of this type.

According to Erik Bedő managing director of SciamuS, the telecom consultant of the project, not only the results can be considered outstanding, but also the cooperation between the four companies involved. The nine months assignment included a bidding procedure, negotiations with the service providers, tendering, procurement and implementation of the technical background. The implementation phase, including information and training for the Electrolux staff, will be completed soon. This last stage of implementation had the objective to ensure that the users learn a cost efficient way of operating the technical equipment. The winner of the tenders for solutions is the consortium of T-Systems and Ericsson Hungary.

Balázs Ablonczy deputy manager of the business line of T-Systems said that T-Systems provided one-stop, complex voice and data communications services - including voice, leased line data, internet and mobile communications - for the plants of Electrolux in Jászberény, Budapest and Nyíregyháza. T-Systems provides integrated service as system integrator, and offers one-stop solutions for all the data and voice communications requirements of Electrolux, embracing the overall competency base of Magyar Telekom Group. Bearing in mind the requirements of Electrolux, T-Systems offers complex and value added services, which simultaneously ensure a significant reduction in info-communications costs, and the growth of satisfaction of the business customers.

Zsolt Monszpart Chief Officer of Ericsson Hungary said that the technical background of the project and the system was the PABXs operated in the different plants and the related equipment which were delivered by Ericsson, put into operation and operated by Assono Magyarország Kft., the key Hungarian partner of Ericsson. Ericsson provided all the equipment for the project, based on which T-Systems developed its customized integrated info-communications solution. The most interesting solution is a so-called mobile extension system developed for 300 mobile phones, which allows integration of mobile phones into the entire communications structure. Customers can now equally use wireline and mobile phones, which is significant from cost aspects as well. Another unique feature of the solution is that in the case of outbound international calls the roaming costs can be reduced by as much as 75%.