Press Releases

T-home opens

Budapest, March 24, 2006 10:30

On March 24 Kálmán Kovács, Minister of Informatics and Communications, Elek Straub, Chairman-CEO of Magyar Telekom and Gábor Beke-Martos, CEO of Siemens formally opened the T-home in the House of Future exhibition.

Magyar Telekom is a gold sponsor of the House of Future exhibition, which was initiated by the Ministry of Informatics and Communications, and the T-home is part of Magyar Telekom's contribution to the exhibition.

Visitors to the T-home, a product of the cooperation of Magyar Telekom and Siemens, gain an insight into the everyday life of an imaginary family. They can see how the services of the Magyar Telekom Group make life easier and more comfortable. Besides Magyar Telekom services, the Siemens Smart Home System provides full comfort for the virtual family.

The home equipped with high-tech IT and telecommunications products gives the visitor a really futuristic experience, even though the exhibitors are only showing solutions that already exist in reality and most of them are available through the services and products of the Magyar Telekom Group and Siemens.