Press Releases

Bálint Nagy new president of the Hungarian Advertising Association

Budapest, December 12, 2006 12:45

At its December 11 meeting the Hungarian Advertising Association elected Bálint Nagy as its new president and László Mezriczky as its vice-president.

This broadest association of the Hungarian advertising industry held an ordinary general meeting, which is convened every three years, on December 11. The president of the Hungarian Advertising Association Ádám Levendel announced that after having served two terms, he did not wish to be nominated again.

Following that announcement the General Meeting elected the new officers of the Hungarian Advertising Association.

Bálint Nagy, communication director of Magyar Telekom who resigned his post at the end of this year and who has been a member of the board for the last six years, has been elected the new president of the Hungarian Advertising Association. The HAA has elected as its vice-president Mezriczky László, the new communication director of Magyar Telekom who will take up his office on January 1, 2007 as well as Péter Novák, managing director of Kirowski.

For more information about the December 11 General Meeting, please visit the website of the Hungarian Advertising Association at