Press Releases

Free trial of broadband Internet at T-Com

Budapest, August 18, 2006

T-Com is giving its residential telecom subscribers an opportunity to try the ADSL service free of charge without commitment and discover the benefits of broadband Internet from August 21 through October 31.

T-Com is committed to the growth of the Internet society, so it strives to make an increasingly broad layer of the society aware of the benefits of broadband Internet. T-Com is providing an opportunity for the free trial of ADSL in the frame of a campaign starting on August 21.

T-Com provides ADSL access free of the monthly fee to residential subscribers until October 31. There is no connection fee, the modem required to access the service is provided by T-Com as a gift and delivered to the home of the subscriber free of charge. The 512 kbit/s Internet access is independent from the volume of traffic and unlimited in time; one e-mail address and a storage capacity of 50 MB is provided with the service.

Customers can register online for participation in the campaign from August 21 on the website of T-Com ( T-Com provides the opportunity of a free trial to the first 25 000 applicants.

On expiry of the trial period the customer can migrate to any of T-Com’s T-DSL residential packages (telephone + Internet together) or can select from the offers of the Internet service provider partners of Magyar Telekom. If the customer does not want to subscribe to any ADSL service T- Com will terminate the broadband Internet service without any sanction or commitment.

This offer is available to the residential subscribers of T-Com who have a telephone line. Another pre-condition of using this option is that the customer has not participated in similar free ADSL trial campaign of T-Com during the past one year, has not used ADSL service in the past three months, and does not use it at the moment either. Free ADSL trial is provided by T-Com in the ADSL servicing area of Magyar Telekom.