Press Releases

Complaints about T-Com commercial rejected

Budapest, September 7, 2005 12:00

The Ethical Committee of the Hungarian Advertising Association and the Self-regulatory Advertising Body rejected in a joint position the complaints about T-Com's Favorit Plusz tariff package commercial.

Two individual complaints were received by the Hungarian Advertising Association about T-Com's Favorit Plusz tariff package commercial. One character in the disputed commercial who holds a brief conversation with a customer about T-Com and TELE2 rates, is holding a folder with TELE2 written on it.

After having studied the complaint the Ethical Committee of the Hungarian Advertising Association, together with the Self-regulatory Advertising Body, ruled that in the respect disputed by the complaining party the commercial did not conflict with the provisions of the Hungarian Code of Ethics of Advertising, and was consequently not disputable on ethical grounds.

In explanation of the decision the two bodies said, among other things, that comparative advertising was an acceptable and legal genre under both Hungarian and European law.
The Hungarian Code of Ethics of Advertising makes the extra requirement for comparative advertisements that the information conveyed by them must be clearly verifiable by objective and professional examination. "The advertisement discussed here satisfies that requirement, as specific presentation of the competitor is a conceptually required and permitted content element and the information heard is true", says the official statement of the Advertising Association.