Press Releases

Helpline in aid of the flood victims of Székelyföld

Budapest, September 6, 2005 16:00

You can donate 200 HUF per call for the flood victims of Székelyföld (part of Transylvania) by dialing T-Com's 1749 helpline number between 0 hours on September 6 and 24 hours on September 30. The donations will be sent to the flood victims by the Hungarian Interchurch Aid.

Magyar Telekom is also cooperating with the Hungarian Interchurch Aid to help the victims of recent floods in Székelyföld. T-Com is making available the 1749 help number to those people who want to make a donation. By dialing 1749 between 0 hours on September 6 and 24 hours on September 30 you can donate 200 HUF to the flood victims with each call.

The donations will be sent to the flood victims by the Hungarian Interchurch Aid.