Press Releases

T-Com and T-Online introduce internet-based voice service

Budapest, October 10, 2005 15:00

T-Com and T-Online Hungary jointly launched an internet-based voice service called Klip on a test basis. As the first step the Klip software solution will be introduced with which Klip users can make and receive calls on the internet free of charge. In the near future new components will be added to the service. From December, after a user test, T-Com will gradually make calls to fixed-line and mobile numbers free of charge and Klip user customers can be called with a dedicated telephone number or from the network of any fixed-line and mobile operator that concludes a contract with T-Com.

The number of broadband internet accesses is steadily rising so the web is becoming part of our everyday life. In addition to obtaining information, customers increasingly use the internet for doing everyday business, making work faster and more convenient. A new generation of users is coming for whom "Click and Done" type work and business is quite natural. With this technological development it is quite natural that changes are made also in the area of voice services. The new internet generation requires solutions which are best adapted - primarily through the web - to their changed consumption patterns, life-style and pace, so the future voice service needs to offer also the "Click and Talk" function.

Due to the changing market structure in Hungary and the long-term industry trends the Magyar Telekom Group needs a renewed set of strategic tools focusing on innovation, IP-based technology and broadband applications. This renewal will promote utilization of the value creation opportunities of the Magyar Telekom Group that can be sustained also in the long term. Additionally the Magyar Telekom Group considers that it is highly important to play a decisive role in the construction and spread of the 21st century telecommunications solutions. T-Com's objective is to offer new services with real value on the market which are tailored to the needs of customers and which can make dynamic use of the opportunities offered by broadband internet.

Service provision within the Klip network

As the first step, the Klip community members can make and receive calls on the internet free of charge. This service will be available for every user irrespective of geographical location and service provision. Registration for the service is free of charge on the Klip sites, where the test version of the software can also be downloaded, accessible from the T-Com ( and T-Online ( websites.

Klip offers the following features (in the test version some service components will not function with full stability):

- Free calls via the internet between registered Klip users (on the basis of e-mail or virtual ID)
When the customer calls another Klip user the call is free as long as both remain within the IP network.
- Voice message
The user's voice messages will not get lost when he is not accessible via the internet and cannot answer incoming calls. Messages are forwarded by the system by e-mail as attached wav file to the e-mail box specified by the user.
- Web address directory
The web address directory contains the data of the partners. The user can see on this interface which partner is online or offline, and e-mail messages, invitation to chat or talk can be sent from here.
- Chat
The Klip service can be used also for traditional chatting.
- Videofon
This service can be used for internet-based videotelephone service if the customer has a webcamera.
- Conference call
With Klip several internet calls can be made simultaneously. The number of calls is limited by the bandwidth. A conference call can be made if all participants use the Klip application.

The Klip service test period will offer a good opportunity for T-Com and T-Online to best tailor the service to the users' needs on the basis of customer feedback.

Service provision outside the Klip network

From December T-Com will add further components to the service in combination with a user test. From that time calls can be made not only within the IP network, but also to fixed-line and mobile numbers. Additionally customers using the Klip service can be called with an 06-21 access number from T-Com also from fixed-line and mobile networks.

Calls between Klip users within the IP network will remain free of charge. Local and long-distance calls will not be distinguished in respect of calls to the fixed-line network. Peak and off-peak periods will be distinguished in respect of calls outside the IP network. Second-based tariffs will be applied. Neither monthly fee nor switching fee will be charged for this service.

Customers can pay for calls in two ways. In the case of prepaid service the customer can recharge his account with a bank card on the website before using the service. Customers using postpaid T-Com service can also pay for this service on a postpaid basis; the service charge will be shown on the
T-Com bill as a separate item.

T-Com will offer devices with which customers can use their internet phone without having to keep the computer switched on. A standard telephone set can be connected to these devices that can be used to carry calls via the internet. These devices will be offered for sale in T-Com's Webshop (, T-Pont shops and larger supermarkets.

Klip Pro service for business customers

T-Com is expected to offer the Klip Pro package with a ready-made VoIP solution primarily for business customers before the end of this year. This package will contain all technical facilities needed by the customer for using internet-based voice service without a computer.

Technological background

The Klip service is a voice service implemented on a broadband network using the worldwide standard SIP solution. With this solution calls can be originated and answered anywhere irrespective of the geographical location. With this service voice is transferred via the public internet in the form of data packets. For this reason service quality can be lower than the usual quality of fixed-line phone calls. Due to the nature of the technology the internet-based voice service has some limits: this service cannot be used for emergency calls, does not enable number porting, is not available in the case of power failure and the success of calls cannot be guaranteed due to the internet traffic relations. This service can be used with broadband internet access, computer and - if used also for other than chatting - microphone and loudspeaker or headset.

The SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a recommended open standard for carrying interactive user data with multimedia components. With the SIP protocol a future unified network can become the basis of all communications. In addition to decreasing costs this convergence will enable the provision of a number of new services. The SIP protocol is the most widely used in IP telephony and most software used for internet telephony are based on it.