Press Releases

T-Com reduces its prices

Budapest, November 29, 2005 13:45

T-Com will reduce its prices from January 1. T-Com's goal is to grant to the most customers higher reduction than the VAT rate reduction to be introduced in January. For this reason the reduction rate is determined by considering which tariff packages are the most popular with its more than 2 million customers, and the company wants to make the convenience of telecommunications more affordable also for people with lower incomes.

Out of the residential tariff packages the per minute tariffs of national fixed-line calls of the Felező package selected by more than 500,000 customers (for which needy customers can request HUF 1,000 per month contribution of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications) will be reduced by 50% in peak period and by 17% in off-peak period from January 1. The per minute tariffs of mobile and internal calls will be 4% lower with this package. The reduction of per minute tariffs will also be reflected by the Felező tariff package monthly fee since half of the monthly fee can be used for free calls with this package (so from January 1 this package includes 160 minutes' free calls to national fixed-line numbers in peak period instead of the earlier 80 minutes).
The monthly fee and per minute tariffs of the Minimál tariff package used by more than 400,000 customers will be reduced by 4%, the same rate as the VAT reduction.

T-Com will reduce its prices also in the Teleperc, Favorit and Favorit Plusz packages selected by more than 250,000 customers. The Teleperc tariff package monthly fee will be reduced at a higher rate than the VAT, by 6%. The Favorit and Favorit Plusz tariff packages' monthly fee will be 4% cheaper, while their per minute tariffs will decrease by 4-5% in all call directions.

The per minute tariffs of the Bázis Plusz, Sokatmondó and Csevegő tariff packages will also decrease from January 1 on the average by 4%. The tariffs of the Kontroll tariff package used only by just over 20,000 customers will not change for the moment.

The per minute tariffs of public payphones will be reduced from the beginning of next year on the average by 4%.