Press Releases

EEG device donated to the Debrecen Children’s Clinic

Budapest, November 28, 2005 14:30

Magyar Telekom donated HUF 2,810,000 to the Debrecen University's Medical and Health Center, Children's Clinic for the purchase of a modern digital EEG device. The device was handed over at the Debrecen clinic on November 28. At the ceremonial presentation Magyar Telekom was represented by János Balogh, Director of the Public Payphone Directorate, the Clinic was represented by Dr. Éva Oláh, Head of the Clinic.

This donation enabled the Debrecen Children's Clinic to replace the earlier about 10-years old device with a more up-to-date device that meets today's requirements which greatly contributes to offering appropriate clinical care for children in the region. The purchased EEG device is useful because it can be used to check the brain activities during treatments of both leukemia and other tumorous diseases. The 24-channel digital device have high data storage capacity, enables in addition to the mandatory checks of children with tumorous disease also the in-bed treatment of children with oxygen deficiency and new-born children, as well as patients who suffered brain damage in an accident. Leukemia also causes neurological complication and when children suffering from a serious disease are examined the new device can also alleviate the pain concomitant with the treatment. The device also enables in-bed examination of children suffering from inflamed neurological disease. Since the old EEG device was not suitable for this purpose and children could be examined in often far laboratories only with great difficulties the purchase and hand-over of this device was an important event in the life of the Debrecen Children's Clinic. The new EEG device is important also because out of the children's tumors brain tumor is the most frequent. In the majority of the cases it causes also epilepsy, this device is also necessary for the treatment and check of such patients. As a complication of tumorous diseases unfortunately neurological deformation can arise also later, after years. These can also be traced with this device. With the purchased digital EEG device multimedia applications can help medical treatment, with the use of the machine EEG picture and sound information can be simultaneously obtained and video recordings can later be played with various zoom rates. Time saving is also important since the doctor does not have to wait until an epileptic attack comes, and when connected to a computer network the current check can be monitored with a video camera even from another room used for evaluation. The Clinic could purchase the device with the involvement of the Hope for Children with Leukemia Foundation. Magyar Telekom has an already traditional relation with the Hope Foundation, in the course of their excellent and temporary cooperation Magyar Telekom offered help in various donation organization campaigns.