Press Releases

Helpline for the victims in Southeast Asia

Budapest, January 4, 2005

From 00.00 on January 5 to 24.00 on January 31 anyone who wants to help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia can donate HUF 200 by calling Matáv's helpline '1749'. Donations will be forwarded to the needy as emergency aid by the Hungarian Red Cross with the involvement of the International Red Cross.

In cooperation with the Hungarian Red Cross, Matáv is also contributing to help for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia. Matáv is making its helpline '1749' available for giving donations. From 00.00 on January 5 to 24.00 on January 31 HUF 200 can be donated to the victims by calling Matáv's '1749' number.

Donations will be forwarded to the needy as emergency aid by the Hungarian Red Cross with the involvement of the International Red Cross.

The Matáv Group's Communication Director Bálint Nagy said: "This helpline has already given invaluable help for many people at the time of floods in Hungary through cooperation between the donors and the service providers. We hope that for this cause which is mobilizing the whole world, we can again help those who want to help since a four-digit number is much easier to remember than a long bank account number, to say nothing of the fact that a telephone is always at hand."