Press Releases

"The Case - Everyday Heroes": 16 million HUF donation of Magyar Telekom based on viewers' votes

Budapest, December 29, 2005 12:00

Magyar Telekom has distributed donations with a total value of 16 million HUF among four funds. The work of the four nonprofit organizations was presented to viewers in four documentary films initiated and financed by Magyar Telekom. The films were broadcast on the program of Viasat3 TV channel during the Christmas holidays. The organizations presented in the films could win the donations of Magyar Telekom on the basis of viewers' votes. "Documentary reality show" as a new artistic form could open up new dimensions in both the culture of television and donations culture in Hungary.

In the four-part documentary film series titled "The Case - Everyday Heroes" initiated and financed by Magyar Telekom, the audience met the real players of four real-life stories between December 24 and December 27, on Viasat3. The films presented the activities of nonprofit organizations involved in solving social problems - caring for children with multiple disabilities, placing abandoned babies in families, saving newborn babies, and healing birds.

Viewers could decide by telephone voting about the allocation of the donation offered by Magyar Telekom. Based on the votes, "Kis Balázs Fund" - an institution of the Heves County Local Government for handicapped children - won the donation of 10 million HUF. "This donation is an enormous help in the development of a special gymnasium and hydro-therapy unit designed for the treatment of physically handicapped children." - said Dr. Emese Hompoth, the director of the institution.

The other three participants on the series - Bölcső (Cradle) Fund, Peter Cerny Fund and Bird Hospital Fund - received a donation of 2 million HUF each from Magyar Telekom.

The call charge for the telephone vote was 200 HUF. This amount was transferred by Magyar Telekom in each case to the organization supported by the particular vote - so the call charges also assist the supported organizations as the viewers' donations, in addition to the donation of 16 million HUF.