Press Releases

Magyar Telekom to purchase Dataplex - Growth in the market of wireline services

Budapest, December 13, 2005 08:30

On December 12, 2005, Magyar Telekom signed an agreement on purchasing 100% ownership share of Dataplex Kft. for HUF 5.1 billion. Dataplex is operating in the Hungarian information technology services market. This acquisition could result in a significant growth and service portfolio expansion for Magyar Telekom Group in the wireline segment.

In the market of business communication services, the number of business customers requiring high-security, uninterrupted data storage, backup as well as other value added services, is growing constantly. More and more companies decide to hire a professional service provider to operate their IT infrastructure that does not belong to their core activities.

Dataplex is one of Hungary's IT services market players and it has reliable business operations, state-of-the-art infrastructure and highly qualified expert staff. In 2005, the company's revenues are expected to reach HUF 1.3 billion; its Budapest data center represents the most advanced technological level. Dataplex provides an organic growth opportunity for Magyar Telekom Group in the IT services market where our own capacities no longer suffice to fulfill the demand of our key business customers.

Magyar Telekom's T-Online Adatpark (Data Park) is providing primarily web and server hosting services for a similar market segment, in this way the acquisition of Dataplex fits into the strategy of Magyar Telekom Group and enhances our current operations.

In accordance with its mid-term strategic targets published in 2004, Magyar Telekom creates added value by the Dataplex acquisition due to expanding our service portfolio. Our business service offers will be enriched with network solutions and value added products such as high-security storage and server hosting while we also exploit intra-group synergies in technical and other operating areas.

Magyar Telekom is using its available credit lines for the HUF 5.1 billion required to purchase Dataplex. Additionally, Magyar Telekom takes over an asset lease liability with a present value of HUF 230 million. For the closing of the transaction, planned for the first quarter of 2006, the approval of the regulatory authority (Hungarian Competition Authority - GVH) is necessary.