Press Releases
Screening of newborn infants supported by Matáv
Budapest, October 28, 2004 15:00
The "Matáv Gives Back" program donated HUF 2 million to the "Heart Sound" Children's Foundation. This donation has enabled the Buda Children's Hospital to modernize its metabolism screening programs. Untreated congenital metabolic diseases result in serious, irreversible damage. In order to prevent this, large-scale screening of newborn infants is immediately followed by the examination and treatment of cases detected, which will be continued throughout their lifetime.
In order to start treatment as soon as possible, metabolism screening
tests used for decades have been replaced by a quicker and more
accurate technology. Transition to the new method incurred additional
costs. "Heart Sound" Children's Foundation contacted Matáv and asked
for help in the procurement of the test materials needed for the
examinations. The Foundation sees its main task in supporting child
health institutions. Its goal is to improve the conditions of
treatment, and to help social institutions and private persons in
difficult situations. "The goals of the "Heart Sound" Children's
Foundation coincide with the long-term objectives formulated in Matáv's
corporate social responsibility program. The treatment of health and
social problems of children and the new generations is one of our key
donation areas. In addition, all Hungarian citizens are affected by the
large-scale screening of infants, so we were able to help in an area
that serves the overall interests of the society", said Gyula Szabó
when justifying the decision made by the Board of Trustees of the
"Matáv Gives Back" program.
All infants born in Hungary undergo a blood test when they are five
days old. With the help of this screening, it is possible to detect
diseases that result in serious, irreversible damage if not treated in
time (e.g. mental retardation, disorders of motion coordination or
behavior, lenticular clouding which leads to blindness). The
examination and treatment of the sick infants is started immediately,
and is continued throughout their lifetime. This is the precondition of
enabling these children born with chronic problems to become fully
integrated members of the adult society. "Experiences have indicated
unambiguously that, in the case of well-functioning systems, screening
and prevention are cheaper solutions than the treatment of the already
sick. The existence of the screening system has been justified beyond
all doubts; it was proven that the optimal treatment of the children
identified as sick is very successful indeed", said Dr. László
Blatniczky, Director General of the Buda Children's Hospital which
performs around half of all such tests made in Hungary.