Press Releases
Co-operation agreement with T-Mobile International and T-Com
Budapest, October 6, 2004 17:00
On October 6th, Matáv's Board of Directors authorized the company's management to sign a strategic co-operation agreement with T-Mobile International and T-Com, members of the Deutsche Telekom Group.
The main purpose of the agreement is to permit the exploitation of
synergies within the Group. In the framework of the co-operation,
T-Mobile International will support T-Mobile Hungary in mobile-specific
issues, while T-Com will provide professional support to Matáv's
fixed-line business. T-Mobile International will assist T-Mobile
Hungary to learn further international expertise in the fields of
mobile services, e.g. by giving guidance on products, pricing and
branding issues as well as on distribution channels and sales
promotion, and by providing professional training for T-Mobile
Hungary's staff. Similarly, T-Com will allow Matáv to learn further
international expertise in the fields of fixed-line services, e.g. by
providing advice and guidelines in development of its domestic and
international strategy as well as on marketing and sales, product
development, innovations and distribution strategy.
Following their later signing, the co-operation agreements will come
into effect on January 1st, 2005. They will not impact the ownership
rights of Matáv in the governance of T-Mobile Hungary and will not
amend either the Deed of Association of T-Mobile Hungary, or the rules
of procedure of its Board and Supervisory Board. In addition to that,
the agreements will not affect Matáv's scope of activities, ownership
structure, Articles of Association or the rules of procedure of its
Board and Supervisory Board.