Press Releases
Matáv to refinance loans maturing in August
Budapest, August 23, 2004 16:00
Matáv is borrowing loans totaling 64 billion HUF from Deutsche Telekom on August 23, 2004. Together with cash generated by itself, Matáv will use the loans to refinance the remaining 76.6 billion HUF of its loan of 126.6 billion HUF from Deutsche Telekom.
On August 14, 2003 Matáv raised a short-term loan of 126.6 billion HUF
from Deutsche Telekom. In order to finance the remaining 76.6 billion
HUF stake, on August 23, 2004 Matáv is borrowing a 20 billion HUF
short-term (maturity: January 2005), a 14 billion HUF three-year
(maturity: 2007) and a 30 billion HUF five-year (maturity: 2009) loan
from Deutsche Telekom.
The maturity of the short-term loan is adjusted to Matáv's cash flow
generating capability, while the medium- and longer term loans are
borrowed in order to extend the average maturity term of the loan
portfolio. The loans bear fixed interest: the short-term loan has an
annual interest rate of 11.16%, the one maturing in 2007, 10.20% and
the third maturing in 2009 bears 9.62% interest rate annually. The
other conditions of borrowing are similar to those specified in earlier
agreements with Deutsche Telekom.
At present, Matáv is rated BBB+ by Standard&Poor's and Baa1 by Moody's.