Press Releases
Matáv also to be involved in Talentis program - Infocommunication development in the Zsámbék Basin
Budapest, November 18, 2003 11:30
Today, Matáv, the Talentis Programiroda Kht., and the Zsámbéki-medence Térségfejlesztő Kft. signed a cooperation agreement for the implementation of the Talentis Program. The parties have set the aim of promoting info-communication development in the Zsámbék Basin. In the first phase of this project Matáv will provide broadband Internet access (ADSL) for the local municipalities of the region.
Matáv, as strategic partner of the Talentis Program Office, will
elaborate the info-communication development plan of the Zsámbék Basin,
to be implemented under the Talentis Program. This plan will present
the ideas for infrastructure development, as well as outline the
method, schedule and cost budget of the complex project. Large finances
will be required for the comprehensive IT development of the region
(the full investment is expected to be in the order of billions) which
the Térségfejlesztő (Regional Development) Kft. and the Program Office
will raise together with the local municipalities of the region
(Biatorbágy, Bicske, Budajenő, Csabdi, Etyek, Herceghalom, Mány,
Óbarok, Páty, Perbál, Telki, Tök, Zsámbék) by submitting joint
applications to various international funds.
The Talentis Program will be implemented over 20 years, and will create
a Campus, an Innovation Center and a Technological Park. The
state-of-the-art info-communication network, to be created by Matáv,
will be the basis of the ambitious Zsámbék Basin development project,
to be implemented under the auspices of the Talentis Program Office.