Press Releases - e- commerce in Hungary
Budapest, September 18, 2000
SAP takes part, alongside MATÁV, Andersen Consulting and Compaq.
MATÁV, SAP Hungary Kft., Compaq Computer Kft. and Andersen Consulting
Kft. have announced the implementation of their joint e-commerce
service on 18th September. The name of the e-commerce service is, web site:, the founding members
outlined the key features of the service on 18th September in Tihany at
the most significant IT conference in the country, where 850
representatives of the domestic software market gained information
about development trends, new services and ideas.
The consortium - established for the purpose of the implementation of
the e-commerce business announced this June - has been re-organized.
SAP, which has extensive international experience in the area of
e-commerce, joined the consortium with an original solution and has
already informed its customers about the new product. Through this
action, the two major e-commerce initiatives have joined forces. OTP,
Magyar Posta (Hungarian Post) and MOL also expressed their interest
both in the e-commerce service and in an eventual involvement as
prospective investors.
As of 1st September, e-commerce offers are accessible to the public at Within the framework of a campaign launched
simultaneously with the implementation of the service, small and
medium-size companies registered to the home page before 15 October can
gain 2 months free access to the service and suppliers will also be
able to upload their catalogues free of charge during this period.
E-commerce offers a catalogue service to small, medium and large
companies, mediation in transactions, auctions, liaison with suppliers
and several other services which enable the implementation of
e-purchase systems for clients.
The four founding members provide the funds necessary for the
implementation of the service and the profitable operation of the
service company to be established by the four members, with MATÁV
holding the majority stake. The founding members are counting upon the
recouping of their investment as they expect their customers which
include the leading companies in the country, through which they want
to acquire not only a leading market position in Hungary, but also play
an active role in the implementation of e-commerce in state procurement
as well. In addition to these objectives, they expect to acquire
hundreds of small and medium companies as customers in the first year.
The scope of goods offered in the frame of e-commerce covers initially
the articles necessary for everyday business, e.g. IT facilities,
office stationery, detergents, travel services, marketing services,
etc. E-commerce provides customized offers for various customer
segments to make every category of the companies interested in using
the service, through which companies can save up as much as 10-20
percent on purchases of this kind, due to the moderate prices on one
hand, and also to simplified purchase procedures.
During the initial period of implementation, the companies launch
campaigns to stimulate usage, the turnover of which may soon reach HUF
100 billion. Implementation of e-commerce has no technical requirement
other than an Internet connection on the purchaser's and the vendor's
side. The goal of e-commerce is to make services available independent
of the technology, by using any ( or no) corporate management system.
The system of e-commerce can be integrated into the existing IT
solutions of the vendors and purchasers, to increasingly facilitate the
automatic flow of information .
According to the plans, the software for the operation of e-commerce
next year will be jointly developed by SAP and Commerce One companies,
which enables the implementation of new services.