Press Releases
Dr. Klaus Hartmann Appointed CFO of Matáv
Budapest, October 31, 2000
As of November 1, 2000, Dr. Klaus Hartmann has been appointed to the position of Chief Financial Officer at MATÁV.
Mr. Hartmann graduated with a PhD in Economics. He also holds an MBA of
the University of Birmingham. Prior to his employment with Deutsche
Telekom, Dr. Hartmann worked for Arthur Andersen in Germany, and as
treasurer and operational controller for a subsidiary company of the
BICC Group. Dr. Hartmann joined Deutsche Telekom in 1995 as Manager
International Capital Markets, and became Corporate Treasurer of Global
One, a joint venture of Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and Sprint, in
1997. He returned to Deutsche Telekom's Headquarters in Bonn, acting as
Senior Advisor to the CFO, in April 2000. He has been elected member of
Matáv's Board of Directors on October 27th, 2000.
Mr. John Brady, Matáv's CFO up to the present, is giving up his position at MATÁV and will return to the USA.