Matáv_s Domestic Directory Assistance Service provides information about mobile subscribers, too - Press Releases - Press Room - Magyar Telekom

Press Releases

Matáv's Domestic Directory Assistance Service provides information about mobile subscribers, too

Budapest, October 5, 2000

From October 1, 2000 Matáv's Domestic Directory Assistance Service will provide information about Westel Mobil Távközlési Rt.'s subscribers, too. With the data of the biggest domestic mobile carrier's subscribers the Directory Assistance Service now maintains a database of 5.5 million subscribers.

The mobile carrier operating with the '30' area code follows Pannon GSM and Westel 450 to provide directory data of its subscribers on the '198' number. The Directory Assistance Service database now includes the data of all fixed and mobile providers' subscribers, except Vodafone.

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