Press News
The Cause - Magyar Telekom’s charity program continues on TV2
Budapest, May 5, 2008
“Az Ügy” (‘The Cause’), Magyar Telekom’s charity program broadcasted by TV2 has reached its fifth series. In the films shown on four Tuesdays commencing May 6, ordinary people struggle to solve social problems that are important for them. The viewers can help to attain the goals presented by casting their votes by telephone. The hero of the film receiving the highest number of votes will receive a donation of HUF 5 million, while those in the other three films will receive HUF 1 million each.
Magyar Telekom’s charity program, The Cause, continues on TV2 with everyday heroes and new goals. Viewers can see real stories in the films with participants working to solve social problems: for disadvantaged people, for our fellows in crisis, for the development of communities in difficult situations or to solve the civilizational problems of our society.
The following organizations will be presented in the fifth series starting on May 6 and broadcasted on Tuesday evenings:
- Transzplantációs Alapítvány a Megújított Életekért (Transplantation Foundation for Renewed Lives)
- Német Juhászkutya Fajtamentés Alapítvány (Foundation for Saving the Breed of German Shepherd Dog)
- Magyar Speciális Olimpia Szövetség (Hungarian Paralympics Association)
- Retextil Alapítvány (Retextil Foundation)
Viewers can help to attain the goals presented by casting their votes
by telephone. The hero of the film receiving the highest number of
votes will receive a donation of HUF 5 million, while those in the
other three films receive HUF 1 million each. Each vote cast from
Magyar Telekom’s network (T-Com, T-Mobile) costs HUF 200 (except for
voters with a Domino subscription, this amount is exempt of VAT); the
total amount will be transferred to the organization receiving the
highest number of viewers’ votes. In this way, these amounts – in
addition to Magyar Telekom’s donation – will also help to attain the
goals presented in the films.
TV2 is the exclusive media
partner of the charitable documentary/reality show; the films are made
by Andrea Kandász and the staff of Kandi Produkció.