Press News
Donation of Magyar Telekom to the most needy children in cumulatively disadvantageous position
Budapest, September 4, 2007
Magyar Telekom handed over donation with the value of 2.5 million HUF to the Fund for Full Value Life (Teljes Értékű Életért Alapítvány) dealing with children in cumulatively disadvantageous position. The fund purchases audiphone equipment of advanced technology from the donation for the children of defective hearing who live under bad social conditions or being under state care.
The aim of Fund for Full Value Life is to subsidize handicapped
children being under state care or living under bad social conditions,
provide them with training tools and facilities of ability development.
Pedagogical Development Center of Kaposvár is attended by children of
nursery and school age who learn there, and if necessary live in the
colleges. The experts, tutors and the group of teachers of the
institution ensure for the children the curriculum-based education, the
opportunities for free-time activities, holiday programs and camps,
sports and other activities and programs that contribute to a
full-value life and special attention is devoted to identification and
special treatment of children of outstanding talents. Up to this point
there is nothing special about it. Nevertheless, this institution is
attended by children of serious hearing impairment and speech defect.
Children whose development – and even existence – requires special
conditions, as their limited communication abilities may restrict their
Audiphone is a pre-requisite of rehabilitation of
those with defective hearing. Technical development is unstoppable in
this field, too, and new models of digital equipment are launched in
the market day by day.
„The National Health Insurance Fund
provides for financing of a large variety of audiphone but –naturally,-
they are not able to keep up with the development. A vast number of the
equipmet are obsolete, old models, which – unfortunately – bring
disadvantage in these day to those of defective hearing.” – Dr. László
Totth chairman of the Fund for Full Value Life told.
The Fund
purchased 15 pcs of audiphone equipment of advanced technology from the
fund provided by Magyar Telekom. It provides long-term solution to the
improvement of the quality of life for the children of defective
About the social responsibility of Magyar Telekom
Social responsibility makes an integral part of the corporate culture
of Magyar Telekom. The company operates and supports through its own
fund a number of educational and cultural institutions, needy private
persons, among others the Symphonic Orchestra of Magyar Telekom, Puskás
Tivadar Telecom High School, and the Fund of „Telephone for Needy
People” aiming to provide assistance to physically disabled, blind and
visually impaired people in acquiring and maintenance of a telephone
The versatile donation program of the company is realized in
the frame of the „Magyar Telekom Gives Back” program. As the core task
of its supporting strategy the company aims the solution of serious
health problems, , e.g. provision of the conditions for filtration and
curing of tumorous diseases, treatment of cardio-vascular diseases, and
treatment of children’s health and social problems. As a telecom
company it assigns special importance within the donation portfolio to
the support of those facing communication difficulties due to their
physical disabilities and to the initiatives aiming to narrow the
„digital gap” and at last but not least, environmental protection.
Board of trustees of „Magyar Telekom Gives Back” program distributes
more than 100 million Forints each year among the funds and