Press News
T-Online buys iWiW
Budapest, May 2, 2006
Magyar Telekom, the leading Hungarian telecommunications service provider, announced on 28 April that T-Online, its fully owned subsidiary, signed a contract to gain control of iWiW Kft., the leading Hungarian online social network, for a purchase price of nearly EUR 4 million.
WiW (‘who is who’) online social network started in April 2002 with the
aim of providing an online forum for existing friendships and
relationships. Thanks to the continuous increase in its user base and
popularity, the number of registered users reached 640,000 by Spring
2006. At that time, the portal was revamped under the name of iWiW and
became available in 16 languages, featuring several new services. The
system registers over 35 million relationships between members.
Based on the data of Webaudit, the portal has more than 400,000
visitors per day, making it the fourth most visited web page in Hungary.