Press News
The leading media and telecom companies are winning new markets
Budapest, January 18, 2005
Matáv and IKO Production Kft. have established a company called IKO-Matáv Média Holding with a subscribed capital of 3.2 billion HUF, owned 50% by each party. The holding is a 100% owner of IKO New Media Kft, and IKO Content and Rights Kft. and with a 31% stake it is the second largest shareholder of Magyar RTL Televízió Rt. The business stake-proportionate revenues of the holding exceed 11 billion HUF.
The goal of establishing the holding is to create a leading group in the interactive media provider market, which represents new servicing opportunities - and also dynamic growth potentials - for both parties. The holding assumes the task of acting as a link between telecommunications and media, accelerating market growth and acting as a catalyst. The holding is an independent service provider which delivers interactive solutions to any player of the media and telecom market; its customers are from the area of mobile communications and also from electronic, online or printed media. A good indication of the future business opportunities of the holding is the growth rate of IKO New Media - a member of the holding - which is one of the most dynamically developing companies in Hungary. In 2004 the company increased its business turnover more than three times, boosting it to over 2 billion HUF.