Press News
Decorations on August 20
Budapest, August 23, 2005
On August 20 Zoltán Tankó, chief officer of Magyar Telekom and head of the Business Services Division, received the award ‘For Hungarian Communications’ from the Minister of Information Technology and Communications.
On August 20 Zoltán Tankó, chief officer of Magyar Telekom and head of
the Business Services Division, received the award ‘For Hungarian
Communications’ from the Minister of Information Technology and
Communications for his merits in organizing, coordinating and managing
the provision of complex high-level telecommunications services for the
business partners, as well as for his outstanding activity for society.
On the occasion of the national holiday, the President of the Republic
László Sólyom awarded Dr. György Lajtha, Széchenyi award winning
electrical engineer and scientific fellow of the Magyar Telekom
Telecommunications Development Institute, the Cross of Merit of the
Republic of Hungary (civilian section) for his merits earned in the
theoretical development of telecommunications systems and in the
practical development of telecommunications networks, for his
scientific and education work with which he created a school, and in
general for earning broad international recognition for the cause of
Hungarian telecommunications expertise.