Press News
New Director at the head of Matáv's Group Treasury Branch
Budapest, April 25, 2005
The Matáv Group's Chief Financial Officer Dr. Klaus Hartmann appointed Olivér Imolay to the post of Director of the Group Treasury Branch as of April 15, 2005.
The 32-year-old professional graduated at the Finance Department of the Economics University of Budapest. On August 1, 1998 he starting working with the Matáv Group. First he was employed by a Group member company Investel Rt., then from 1999 he continued his career at Matáv's Capital Market Department and on September 1, 2001 he was appointed Head of the Department. Until April 14, 2005 as Head of the Department he was responsible for the Matáv Group's external and internal financing, financial risk management and planning. Since April 15, 2005 he is Director of the Group Treasury Branch.