Press News

Matáv also signs ETNO's new Sustainability Charter

Budapest, September 30, 2004

Europe's major telecommunications operators will soon adopt higher standards of corporate responsibility when launching their new Sustainability Charter later this year. Designed to replace ETNO's current Environmental Charter, the new document will commit signatories to implement sustainability in the widest manner across their business relations and activities.

The forthcoming Sustainability Charter calls on signatories to review overall company policy in order to implement sustainable growth in the widest, most integrated manner possible.
"The world today demands close attention to business ethics, employee relations, human rights, community investment and environmental management. The way we do business is key to
building solid relations with our stakeholders. Without sustainability there is no future" said Danilo Riva, chair of ETNO's Sustainability working group.

So far 16 leading European telecom companies - among others Matáv - have committed to the new charter, which is open to non-ETNO companies as well.

The new Charter will be officially unveiled at the first European Conference on elecommunications and Sustainability in Budapest on 25-26 November 2004, organised jointly by ETNO and Matáv. The event will demonstrate that sustainable business is key to social and economic growth, while underscoring the telecom industry's role in helping the EU shape and implement a sustainability strategy for Europe.