Press News
Matáv Group associates in the Permanent Communications Arbitration Court
Budapest, May 18, 2004
Five Matáv Group staff members are among the judges in the Permanent Communications Arbitration Court recently set up. Dr. Sarolta Baksa (Matáv), Dr. Gabriella Sülle Bárány (T-Mobile), Imre Bölcskei (Matáv), Dr. György Lajtha (Matáv) and Dr. Ferenc Tompa (T-Mobile) will work on the Arbitration Court.
The Permanent Communications Arbitration Court of the National Communications Authority started its operation with 52 judges with responsibility for settlement of legal disputes between telephone companies, cable TV providers and mobile carriers. The judges include legal experts, lawyers and communications experts. The Arbitration Court has exclusive competence to judge legal disputes between Hungarian and foreign communications service providers (telephone, Internet and cable TV companies) if the contracting parties provided so.