Press News

New worm hits the Internet

Budapest, April 19, 2004

The e-mail message saying "You have received an eCard" carries not the promised card but a new virus.

The link in the e-mail activates the worm in the message attachment. It is a special feature of the virus that it is in Hungarian and names - deceptively - a Matáv service as the sender. Although the latest updates of some virus alert software already detect the worm, you can avoid infecting your computer by not clicking on the link.
The virus-carrying e-mail is not generated by the eCard application and does not affect Matáv systems in any way.

The e-mail that carries the worm called Zafi.a reads as follows:

Dear user!
You have received a card!
The sender of the card is: TJSZKI
You can view the card on the following site: http// or by clicking on the attached internet link.
Regards: Matav e-card!