Press News

Matáv's environmental report wins prize

Budapest, October 30, 2003

The Matáv Group participated with its 2002 Environmental Report in the "Central European Environmental Reporting Award" (CEERA) competition announced by Deloitte&Touche for the annual environmental reports of Central and Eastern European companies. The independent jury of experts awarded Matáv second place in the Green Frog Award competition for the best environmental report.

The award was presented on October 28 in the presence of Dr. Miklós Persányi Minister of Environment Protection and Water Management at the event organized by Hungarian Business Leaders Forum, Environment-conscious Corporate Management Association, Joint Venture Association, British Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Deloitte's objective with the establishment of this award is to prepare the companies of the region for similar competitions in the EU and encourage them to prepare this important document, that is uniquely capable of communicating achievements in the protection of the environment, in the largest number, with the most demanding content and formal presentation.

Since the awarding criteria are identical with those of the similar European Union award, the Green Frog Award can be considered as the younger brother in the region of the EU's Environmental Report award until local enterprises can enter the EU competition. To Deloitte's great joy this year there were also sustainability reports which were elaborated in line with the latest EU directives.

In 2003, in addition to Matáv, entries were submitted also by Audi, Opel, Hungarian Post and Hungary Electricity Works.