Press News
Népszava article on call number portability
05 13, May 13, 2003
On 12 May, Népszava published an article on conditions of call number portability between service providers and the possible solutions.
Call number portability increases call charges - Call forwarding does not encourage competition
Under the provisions of the Act on Communications, the conditions of
call number portability between service providers should have been
implemented already as from 1st January this year. The relevant
government decree has not yet been elaborated and the competent
ministry would choose call forwarding as a temporary solution. However,
this would not serve the original objective of competition between
service providers, said Csaba Elekes, Head of Department, PKI
Telecommunications Development Institute, Matáv.
In the case of a temporary solution, the subscriber who needs call
number portability retains his original call number, but would also be
given a new number by the new service provider for termination of
calls. In the original exchange of the subscriber requiring call number
portability, the "call forwarding unconditional" service has to be
activated to the termination call number and that is only possible for
a live call number installed in the target exchange, explains the
expert. In his opinion, this solution also poses numerous technical
problems in addition to being expensive and not motivating the market
players for real competition. On the one hand, the analogue exchanges
cannot forward calls for technical reasons. And, on the other hand,
instead of simplifying things for the subscriber, it would make his
life more complicated because he would have to make do with two live
call numbers for a good while. In addition, the call number issued in
the new exchange that receives the subscriber can be called directly
too, and due to the call number identification presentation it can also
be called back. And, if the country switches over to the final solution
next January, everyone will have to forget this second number.
Since the subscriber who changes service provider will be identified by
the new service provider with the termination number registered in the
reception exchange and this number will be used in all of his calls as
"A" number, he would have to be registered by all service providers
with this number. If the subscriber already had a selected service
provider, his contract has to be modified due to change of service
provider in spite of retaining the original call number. Even if the
subscriber intends to choose a long distance or an international
service provider after having changed his service provider, he would
have to be registered with his termination number. At the launch of the
permanent solution, the termination number used until that time will be
cancelled and the contract will have to be amended at the selected
service provider for the original portable call number.
In the case of the call forwarding solution, the call completion for
all calls is implemented on the network of the earlier service provider
who transfers the subscriber, that is, via the original exchange of the
subscriber, making it very expensive, the expert added.