Press News

Matáv Pont Szeged opened

Budapest, June 20, 2003

Matáv Pont Szeged opened on June 18, 2003. In the shop located on Tisza Lajos körút customers can try out and buy the full portfolio of the Matáv Group. In addition, four computers are available for Internet access. On Wednesday afternoon Chief Officer of Residential Services LOB Christopher Mattheisen officiated at the opening ceremony for the new shop which provides a much larger areas for customers than the previous representation office.

Matáv Pont shops are complex telecommunications bases for products and services of the Matáv Group. The major function of the network of Matáv Pont shops is to ensure a local presence, to sell terminal equipment needed for the use of services and to provide consulting, while Matáv's customer care service activity is performed primarily by the call center accessible at the telephone number "1212".

Matáv Pont Szeged is the 24th member of the shop network and has the standardized look in terms of graphics, form and ambiance. Matáv Pont Szeged has replaced the local Representation Office with one of the most modern Matáv Pont shops. This shop presents and sells almost the full portfolio of the Matáv Group while at the same time offers fast and civilized customer care service. Matáv Pont Szeged is our second shop (the first was Matáv Pont Békéscsaba) operating outside Matáv's concession area and serves to reinforce our presence in this region.

The shop starts with a staff of three headed by Attila Ádám, the former chief of the Representation Office. On the basis of the opportunities of the shop greater emphasis was placed on sale of telephone sets and terminal equipment, a the basic requirement for which is a wide choice of types and colors. The shop targets the needs of the residential and small office segment and consequently sells primarily fixed-line and mobile voice services, while non-voice services focus on Internet service, and related products and supplementary services. The shop located in the Matáv building on Tisza Lajos körút has an 80 m2 customer service area. The project cost was almost HUF 30 million. Four modern Internet workstations are available in the shop and soon small-office applications and color printing will also be offered to Internet users.

Some of the other services that can be ordered in the shop:
- Value-added services
- Axelero Internet
- Westel products and services
- Terminal equipment
- CBC pre-selection