Press News

Matáv's advertisement voted the best commercial radio spot in 2002

Budapest, June 2, 2003

On May 29-30, 2003 the Association of Hungarian Communication Agencies (MAKSZ) held the 4th Golden Blade Creative Advertisement Festival in Tata. Matáv's spot on the "Csevegő" tariff package addressing Roma (Gypsy) people was voted the best.

The winning spot:
The concept of the "Roma spot" on the "Csevegő" tariff package broadcast exclusively on Radio C was that music plays the key role since the common language of the Roma community is music. The advertisement was a folk song presented by Roma artists in authentic style. In the advertisement the song with the characteristic intonation of Gypsy folk songs was accompanied by a choir and band with authentic instruments performing the tones of the Matáv tune.

The Golden Blade Festival:
This year this Festival, a renowned and recognized event in the communication profession, was held for the fourth time with the primary objective of allowing the Hungarian creative profession to evaluate at a high standard comprehensive competition the products created in the period before the Festival through voting by a jury of leading Hungarian creative professionals. The initiative and the event aim at raising the standard of Hungarian creativity, recognizing the work of creative professionals and enhancing the standing of the domestic communication profession. This year the declared intention of the organizers of the 4-year-old Golden Blade was to make the Festival a real yardstick, a series of celebrations of the profession. To this end international presenters was invited, professional forums were held, advertisement films were shown and exhibitions were held. The top event was naturally the traditional Prize Presentation Gala.