Press News

Declaration of Westel Mobile Company Ltd.

Budapest, July 23, 2003

Concerning the ongoing market supervision process initiated and carried out by the Economic Competition Office (GVH) within the mobile market, Westel Mobile Co. Ltd. did not intend to make public announcement, however, in relation with the news published in the media, Westel published the below press release.

- Westel Mobile Co. Ltd. can not comprehend a situation, in which preliminary speculations may be issued concerning an ongoing procedure, as it is not common business practice to make public accusations unproven in the authority or competition supervision procedure. Statements, speculations and comments, as well as hints intending to influence the decision are unacceptable according to the position of Westel as those can potentially seriously violate the business interests of parties concerned, including Westel and its shareholders.
- According to information available to Westel the statement, that the Competition Board already passed its resolution on the subject concerned is untrue. In the Company’s information the Competition Board will pass its relevant resolution at the hearing scheduled for July 28, 2003.
- The preliminary position of the Competition Board – which is also known to Westel – did not include any accusation, or proof concerning the alleged misuse of dominant power or assumed cartel agreement reached by mobile service providers with the intent of limiting competition, whatsoever.
- The Competition Board – in order to thoroughly investigate the case and clarify the facts – postponed the hearing originally scheduled for earlier and additional expert hearings were carried out.
- Westel Mobile Co. Ltd. – in line with its official position as documented in the course of the procedure – hereby officially declares, that as opposed to the allegations quoted in the "media news" the Company did not pursue the behaviour violating competition as stated in the media news.
- Westel Mobile Co. Ltd. intends to make no more statements before the Competition Board passes its resolution on the subject concerned.