Press News
The Ministry of IT and Communications (IHM) and the members of the Telecommunications Round Table adopted a joint communication at their meeting held on December 4, 2003
Budapest, December 5, 2003
The new Act on Electronic Communications is a major step in catching up
with the European Union, lays the foundations in communications for
building up the information society and a knowledge-based economy and
serves the target of boosting market competition.
The members of the Round Table wish to continue their constructive
professional cooperation developed during the elaboration of the new
Act on Electronic Communications to build up the information society
and to serve consumers. They welcome the huge growth achieved in the
past year as a result of the joint efforts of the state and the market
players, and both IHM and the market players will take further steps to
ensure more widespread use of the Internet in Hungary. The tools used
for this purpose are the Közháló (Public Net) program, tax concessions,
the IHM tenders invited for broadband and innovative technologies,
training programs, promoting the use of the Internet and investments
made by companies. These steps will be mutually supported since the
guarantee for Hungary’s development is widespread use and accessibility
of the Internet.
Cross-border expansion of telecommunications companies is supported by
IHM and every possible diplomatic help will be offered. Partnership and
close cooperation is offered to ensure continued efforts for building
up the information society since the infocommunication sector is the
one that can contribute the most efficiently to Hungary’s
competitiveness with its growing contribution to the GDP.
The Telecommunications Round Table was established in October 2002 with
the following members: Antenna Hungária Group, Fibernet Communication
Ltd., GTS DataNet Telecommunications Plc., Hungarotel Ltd., Invitel
Telecommunications Service Provider Ltd., Hungarian Telecommunications
Company Ltd., Pannon GSM Telecommunications Ltd., PanTel
Telecommunications Ltd., UPC Hungary Plc., Vodafone Hungary Ltd.,
Westel Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. and the Ministry of IT and