Investor Releases
Magyar Telekom Ltd. announces resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of T-Mobile Hungary Ltd. held on November 7, 2005
Budapest, November 8, 2005
Resolution No. 8/2005
Shareholders agree the
intention of T-Mobile Hungary Telecommunications Company Ltd. (1117
Budapest, Kaposvár u. 5-7., registry No.: 01-10-042361) and Magyar
Telekom Telecommunications Ltd. (1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.,
registry No.: 01-10-041928) to merger in a way that T-Mobile Hungary
Ltd. merges into Magyar Telekom Ltd.
The General Meeting requests the Board of Directors to prepare the draft closing asset balance and asset inventory of the Company as well as the draft opening asset balance and asset inventory of the company established through the merger with the turning date of September 30, 2005 and to submit these documents to the General Meeting.
The General Meeting nominates
Metrum Könyvszakértő Kft.
H-1114 Budapest
Kemenes u. 6
Registry No.: 01-09-067958
to carry out the audit of the draft asset balances and asset inventories as well as the final asset balances and asset inventories, taking into account the provisions of Section 63 (4) of the Act on Business Associations.
The General Meeting empowers the Board of Directors of T-Mobile Hungary Ltd. to conclude a contract with the independent auditor.
The Shareholders request the Board of Directors to have the draft asset balances and asset inventories supervised by the Supervisory Board of the Company as well.
The General Meeting requests the Board of Directors to prepare the draft versions of the merger agreement, the draft scheme of the settlement with those shareholders who do not wish to enter the legal successor company according to the prevailing laws as well as the written report on the advantages and disadvantages of the merger and to submit these documents to the General Meeting.
The General Meeting approves to send a written notice to the shareholders 30 days prior to the second General Meeting on the merger in which notifies the Shareholders to make a declaration – at the latest by the date of the second General Meeting - if they do not wish to remain the shareholders of the legal successor company.
This resolution was approved unanimously.