Anti-corruption program

Magyar Telekom does not tolerate intention or transaction on corruption, therefore several internal policies and procedures have been developed to prohibit and prevent bribery (including making facilitation payments).

Magyar Telekom intention is to comply with the anti-corruption rules relevant to the Group and it expects its business partners that they will not use money or other consideration paid by Magyar Telekom Group for unlawful purposes, including purposes violating anti-corruption laws, such as make or cause to be made direct or indirect payments to any public official or private person in order to assist Magyar Telekom or anyone acting on its behalf in obtaining or retaining business with, or directing business to any person, or securing any improper advantage.

Telekom prohibits any form of corruption or bribery including but not limited to providing or accepting or promising personal advantage, kick-backs or facilitation payments.
The Group also prohibits its employees to make decisions for the employees’ benefit or that of the employees’ family, friends, associates and acquaintances.

No gift or invitation to events can be granted to a third-party where they could affect or be perceived to affect the outcome of a business transaction.

The Magyar Telekom Group does not financially or morally support political parties, political organizations or their representatives. Its charitable contribution activities are disclosed on its internet site.

Magyar Telekom does not intent to conduct any business with third parties who violate the anti-corruption regulations or the guiding principles of the Compliance Program.

Code of Conduct


Compliance for procurement


Further information