Discover the world created by our Gigapowered Network

Check our network availability with this continuously updated map of the coverage in your area! The more precise location you give, the more reliable information you get. The type of network can be chosen on the lower right bottom of the map. You can zoom in and out on the map with the +/- buttons.

You can enjoy our 4G network if:

  • your tariff plan is 4G-ready,
  • your device and SIM support Telekom’s 4G frequencies,
  • you’ve completed your device set up (Settings / Network)
  • 4G coverage is available at your location.

The 4G technology is available on different frequency bands, which are used for 4G service all around the world. Telekom uses the 800, 1800 and 2600 MHz frequency bands, as it is the European standard. You are advised to check if your device supports Telekom’s 4G frequency.

You can enjoy our 5G network if:

  • your tariff plan is 5G-ready,
  • your device supports Telekom’s 5G frequencies,
  • your SIM supports at least Telekom’s 4G frequencies,
  • you’ve completed your device set up (Settings / Network)
  • 5G coverage is available in your area.

The 5G technology is also available on different frequency bands. Telekom uses the 3,6 GHz (dark magenta colouring on the map), 2100 and 700 MHz (light magenta colouring on the map) frequency bands, to ensure the best possible customer experience and coverage. You are advised to check if your device supports Telekom’s 5G frequency.