Saving. Another format
Telekom and hello holnap! presents:
Sustainability Day 8, 26/09/2015
Soon comes the 8
th Sustainability
Day, the event to discuss questions concerning our future, from social,
economic and environmental aspects. All programs have one idea in common: what
drawing away means for us all.
Telekom’s everyday operation is defined by the way we think about the future. We know that all we do today–or forget to do–has a strong influence not only on our, but of our descendants’ lives. That’s why we made sustainable operation one of the basic principles of our everyday work.
We know what sustainability means in everyday life, and we’d like to share our experiences with you. That’s why our sustainability initiative, hello holnap! organises Sustainability Day every year. The main topic of the discussions of 8 th event is drawing away. The opening session is held by Róbert Alföldi, while the environmental discussion–bio or GMO–is led by Richárd Rideg. Economic session is moderated by György Baló, while social discussion is on minorities drawing away. In +1 session we’ll be talking about those who are approaching, and about those who are drawing away. The event also presents the practical side of sustainability with the help of exhibitors, while the day is closed with an after-party.
Millenáris Park
(Budapest, Kis Rókus Street 16-20.)