Press News
Matáv customers donate almost 60 million through 1749 helpline in a month
Budapest, February 2, 2005
In January, Matáv customers initiated some 300 000 calls on the 1749 helpline, donating almost 60 million (58,215,600) HUF to help the victims of the Southeast Asian earthquake and tsunami.
"It is gratifying that Matáv could also contribute to helping the
victims of the Southeast Asian earthquake and tsunami, our customers
have given evidence of a great desire to help", stressed communication
director Bálint Nagy.
Between 0 hours on January 5 and 24 hours on January 31, 2005 callers
of the 1749 helpline could donate 200 HUF to the tsunami victims with
each call. On January 6 all three mobile operators joined the Matáv
initiative, so mobile customers could also donate 200 HUF via the 1749
helpline. The Hungarian Red Cross will forward the money as emergency
aid to the victims through the International Red Cross.