Investor News

Disclosure according to Section 312/A. of the Hungarian Companies Act

Budapest, March 11, 2013 23:55

According to the provisions of Section 312/A. of Act IV of 2006 on Business Associations, Magyar Telekom Plc. hereby discloses all monetary and non-monetary types of compensation provided for the members of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee of the Company in 2012, broken down to individual members and legal titles:

Members of the Board of Directors
Name Position Legal title
of the
sation 1
of the
in 2012
Christopher Mattheisen Chairman of the Board of Directors

600 000 Waived the remuneration
Dr. Ralph Rentschler Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 Waived the remuneration
Dr. István Földesi
(member until April 16, 2012)
Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 1 390 476
Thilo Kusch
Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 Waived the remuneration
Dr. Mihály Gálik
(member until April 16, 2012)
Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 1 390 476
Frank Odzuck Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 4 800 000
Dr. Ferri Abolhassan Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 Waived the remuneration
Dietmar Frings
(member until April 16, 2012)
Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 Waived the remuneration
Dr. Klaus Nitschke Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 Waived the remuneration
Günter Mossal
(member from April 16, 2012)
Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 Waived the remuneration
György Mosonyi
(member from April 16, 2012)
Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 3 409 524
Dr. Mihály Patai
(member from April 16, 2012)
Member of the Board of Directors remuneration 400 000 3 409 524


Members of the Supervisory Board
Name Position Legal title
of the
sation 2
of the
in 2012
Dr. László Pap Chairman of the Supervisory Board remuneration
448 000
5 376 000
Konrad Kreuzer Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Dr. János Illéssy Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Dr. Sándor Kerekes Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Dr. Károly Salamon Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Dr. János Bitó Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Dr. Konrad Wetzker Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Martin Meffert Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 Waived the remuneration
György Varju
(member until April 15, 2012)
Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 1 022 000
Attila Bujdosó Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Tamás Lichnovszky Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Zsoltné Varga Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 3 528 000
Éva Őz
(member from April 16, 2012)
Member of the Supervisory Board remuneration 294 000 2 506 000


Members of the Audit Committee
Name Position Legal title
of the
sation 3
of the
in 2012
Dr. János Illéssy Chairman of the Audit Committee remuneration 440 000 5 280 000
Dr. László Pap Member of the Audit Committee remuneration 220 000 2 640 000
Dr. Sándor Kerekes Member of the Audit Committee remuneration 220 000 2 640 000
Dr. Károly Salamon
Member of the Audit Committee remuneration 220 000 2 640 000
Dr. János Bitó Member of the Audit Committee remuneration 220 000 2 640 000

Budapest, March 11, 2013

1 Resolution no. 26/2011. (IV.12.) of the General Meeting
2 Resolution no. 74/2010. (IV.7.) of the General Meeting
3 Resolution no. 80/2010. (IV.7.) of the General Meeting