Investor Releases

Declaration of Magyar Telekom on its Corporate Governance Practices

Budapest, April 28, 2006

Declaration in connection with the Corporate Governance Recommendations (dated December 8, 2003) published by the Budapest Stock Exchange Company Limited by Shares regarding corporate governance practices

Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company (the “Company”) declares as set forth below and provides the following information:

1. to Section 1.1.2 of the Recommendations

The mission of the Board of Directors covers matters set forth in this Section.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                           No (Please explain)

The Board of Directors established its Charter.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                             No (Please explain)

2. to Section 1.2.2 of the Recommendations

The Supervisory Board established its Charter and work schedule.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                             No (Please explain)

3. to Section 1.3.2 of the Recommendations

Minutes have been prepared on meetings of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, respectively, and resolutions had been properly administered.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                             No (Please explain)

4. to Section 1.6.1. and Section 2.1.6 of the Recommendations

The Board of Directors has prepared the guidelines regarding the evaluation and
remuneration of the management.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                               No (Please explain)

The Board of Directors has published the guidelines regarding the evaluation and
remuneration of the management.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                               No (Please explain)
(when, where: Corporate website of Magyar Telekom   June 12, 2005

5. to Section 1.7. of the Recommendations

An independent internal audit department (independent internal control) functions at the Company.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                           No (Please explain:
Internal Audit Branch is the independent internal auditing organization of the Magyar Telekom Group. From the organizational viewpoint it reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer. The Director of Internal Audit reports directly to the Supervisory Board and the Chief Executive Officer. Internal Audit reports to the Supervisory Board and the Chief Executive Officer on its audit work performed. The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board reviews the effectiveness of the Internal Audit function, as well as the report on Internal Audit activities prior to its submission to the Supervisory Board.)

The independent audit department has an auditing plan approved by the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                           No (Please explain)

6. to Section 1.10. of the Recommendations

The shareholders’ meeting and the Supervisory Board have been informed about the fact that the outside audit firm of the Company received a material assignment in addition to the audit.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                         No (Please explain:

In view of the fact that Magyar Telekom is also listed on the New York Stock Exchange, in compliance with the extremely strict provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Audit Committee, which operates as a committee of the Supervisory Board is responsible for the oversight of the work of the independent external auditor of the Company. For this activity the “Rules of Procedure and Pre-Approval Policy of Matáv Ltd.’s Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board” approved by the Supervisory Board on December 8, 2004 were applicable, since December 13, 2005 the “Rules of Procedure and pre-approval policy of Magyar Telekom Ltd.’s Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board” approved by the Supervisory Board and superseding the earlier regulation are applicable. All Supervisory Board members receive the minutes of the Audit Committee meetings and of fax votes, and the Audit Committee also reports on its activities at the Supervisory Board meetings.)

7. to Section 2.1.1. of the Recommendations

The guidelines for disclosures have been prepared by the Company.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                         No (Please explain)

8. to Section 2.1.4. of the Recommendations

The Board of Directors published its actual business strategy.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                       No (Please explain)
(when, where: Corporate website of Magyar Telekom   June 12, 2005

9. to Section 2.1.6. of the Recommendations

The Company published in accordance with Section 2.1.6 of the Recommendations the information relating to the career of the members of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and executive management.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                             No (Please explain)
(when, where: Corporate website of Magyar Telekom   June 12, 2005

10. to Section 2.1.7. of the Recommendations

The Company published in accordance with Section 2.1.7 of the Recommendations its risk management guidelines.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                             No (Please explain)
(when, where: Corporate website of Magyar Telekom   June 12, 2005

11. to Section 2.1.9 of the Recommendations

The Company published its guidelines on insider dealings.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                                                   No (Please explain)
(when, where: Corporate website of Magyar Telekom June 12, 2005

12. to Section 2.1.10. of the Recommendations

The Board of Directors published in accordance with Section 2.1.10 of the
Recommendations information regarding the relationships of the directors and members of the management with third parties.

Yes (Complies)                                                                                                                       No (Please explain)
(when, where: Corporate website of Magyar Telekom June 12, 2005

Information and other notes

1.   to Section 1.3.1. of the Recommendations
The Board of Directors held with 80 % average participation ratio 5 meetings in the business year of 2005.
The Supervisory Board held with 93 % average participation ratio 3 meetings in the business year of 2005.

2.   to Section 1.5.2. of the Recommendations
The ratio of the independent directors qualifying as independent according to the recommendation of the Budapest Stock Exchange compared to the total number of directors: 77 % independent.

3.   to Section 1.5.5. of the Recommendations
The ratio of the independent Supervisory Board members qualifying as independent according to the recommendation of the Budapest Stock Exchange compared to the total number of Supervisory Board members was 62 % independent until April 27, 2005. Since the US Securities and Exchange Commission prescribes special requirements for the composition of the Audit Committee of companies that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, in order to ensure that the Company complies both with these requirements and those of the Act on Business Associations, the General Meeting increased the number of the members of the Supervisory Board to 12 on April 27, 2005.

So from that date the ratio of the independent Supervisory Board members qualifying as independent according to the recommendation of the Budapest Stock Exchange compared to the total number of Supervisory Board members changed to 66 %. (When the ratio of the independent Supervisory Board members is determined the employee representatives participating in the Supervisory Board are not qualified as independent by the Company in line with the recommendation of the Budapest Stock Exchange.)

4.   to Section 1.8. of the Recommendations
At the Company the below board committees held the below number of meetings per
committee in the business year of 2005:

-   Remuneration Committee: 3 meetings
-   Audit Committee: 2 meetings

5. to Section 3.1.4. of the Recommendations
In preparing and holding the shareholders’ meeting at the Company the relevant
recommendations on preparation and holding of shareholders’ meeting had been taken into account in the business year of 2005.

Yes                                                                                                                                                               No

6. The Company established a Corporate Governance Code.

Yes                                                                                                                                                                 No
(available at the Corporate website of Magyar Telekom                   

7. The Company established a Code of Ethics.

Yes                                                                                                                                                             No
(available at the Corporate website of Magyar Telekom )

8. The function of the Chief Executive Officer and the Chairman of the Board of Directors is fulfilled by the same person.

Yes                                                                                                                                                                   No

Date: April 28th, 2006

        Elek Straub                                                                                                   Dr. Klaus Hartmann
  Chairman-CEO                                                                   Member of the Board of Directors,
                                                                                                                                                Chief Financial Officer

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